I got 2 weeks of holidays but I kinda wasted it. Didn't actually do anything.
Here's the list of work i must done b4 it ends:

  • study for further maths 1 , 2 and maths test - This time it will be 'infinitely' harder coz was given a lot of preparation time.
  • Finish Moral project - um... no one actually bother to do this -(Mr. Peter actually made up this assignment to give us bonus and he promised to pass all of us )
  • Fix my German... Mein Deutsch ist arghhh....what word to use... nitch gut...
  • Finish my driving lessons ( 4 more hours to go ) - i found out that driving is actually boring, maybe just for me
Ok, seems that i still have few more days to go. I'll use every second wisely...(hopefully).