

My photo
I'm Joseph and 18++ year old this year. Currently I'm new to Taylor's College, I'm taking 4 subjects in Cambridge A-level,CAL. So, life is getting harder now. If you want to know me more,add me @ frozenfire_joe@hotmail.com


Sem 1 results are out. I got AAACC , average 72.9 marks... I didn't expect to get 60 marks for thinking skills (although I didn't study for it), i expect to get at least a B. And for further maths, I am glad that I didn't fail that. I've put alot of efforts in it, and still get a C. Overall is still o.k. According to Shu Yih, Justin is 1st , Zhen Ming 2nd, I'm 3rd. I am beaten by 2 hardworking boys and I'm very very lazy, so it's o.k. I feel bad for my tutees, Brendan, Yee Fai and Yiwen. I should be blamed for their results. Anyway, I'll spend more time to tutor them, hoping they'll get good results.


Perhentian Island

One week of holidays have past and I have not done anything meaningful. All I did was just play play and play computer...I really want to spent some time with my classmates this week. I really really really want to go to Perhentian Island with pe2.Justin called me last night, asking me whether I'm going. He is so "desperado", he has volleyball tournament next week and can't make it for the trip. And he is willing to give me discount. It sounds so attractive to me.... However, I can't go. My sis is coming back this week and I think I have to be quarantined... and lots of plans upon her return. SORRY Justin...



Exam is around the corner, less than 3 days left for me to study. And I'm not prepared for it. Won't be blogging for awhile.



Deutsch Prüfung ende!!! (german test ended)

Today I had my German test. I was so nervous coz i never practice my German and might fail. The test was funny... lol. I did alot of mistakes.

It was divided into 4 Parts: speaking,listening,writing and reading. I started with the speaking first. First, I introduce myself, was so fluent although I am having cough and sore throat. I got full mark there. YAY. It came to second part of speaking... where things turned nightmare... I was asked: "Wo ist die kasse?" ("where is the cashier?"). And I mixed up Kasse(cashier) and Käse(cheese). This where the funny part comes... I answered: "Die Kasse ist in der Kuhlschrank!" (the cashier is in the fridge!!!) WTH..... Got 0% there. LOL.

Listening test is tough. The Germans are too fast in speaking... "!@#$%^&*" in few seconds. Worst part is I was only to hear it once...Tembak alot there...

Writing and reading part were O.K! No problem! Results coming out in few more days.... I won't want to know it...lol...

Ok, German is down, gotta concentrate in my studies now. Test soon.



An uncle of mine passed away. Much memories left behind. Felt sad and sorry.



This morning I took driving test. Woke up as early as 6, arrived SDC about 7. I took the driving on the road first. I was so nervous and I did badly in the beginning: I didn't release handbrake... auch! And I used 2nd gear for entire journey, engine kept making noise... (all thanks to slow moving traffic and someone who drove as FAST as 20km/hr in front of me...) Argh... well, I managed to get 16/20... just passed, that is close (phew).

I had to wait for 3 hours for the second test- up the hill, parking and three point turn. I got a bad bad car for my second test (I wonder how could people drive in such a car). It was the handbrake (which the button is broken) nearly made me fail. I was on the slope and.... what the.. how to use the handbrake... I used anything I could think of... pushing it, pulling it, pressing the button (even with both hands...). Nearly got myself into trouble... At last... I managed to release the handbrake....I did my parking and three point turn well... Went to Catholic High after that, met some form 6's.


Cherating trip

Last Friday was Labour's day, so I spent my long weekend in Cherating with my church mate. It was 2days 1 night trip ( which I think is not enough).

On Friday, I woke up at 6.30a.m.( I thought I can wake up late - it's a holiday). Yeh Han fetched me to Er Lern's house at 6.45 - it was our meeting place. Everyone looked so tired that morning. We started our journey at 7.15. We divided ourselves into 2 groups; one going by Er Lern's car; one by van. The journey there was not SHORT ( took us about 5 hours to arrive there)

We arrived in Kuantan at 12.30, Er Lern brought us to a hainanese chicken rice shop- for lunch. He claimed that it is the top 10 hainanese chicken rice in Malaysia. I doubt. After lunch, we went to Er Lern's house. His house is beautiful- everything seemed to be new, maybe it had undergone renewation lately. I actually saw Er Lern's picture when he was young (he looked totally different). Next, we went to Ewilly's house, which is in Bukit Istana. Her house is HUGE and surprisingly, it is cheap there. (It'll cost millions in KL). We hanged up there for nearly 2 hours (most of us fell asleep) LOL...( We go Cherating to sleep.)

At 4p.m. ,we checked in to the resort. It was like so late when we checked in. Part of us went to the beach, but only Yian Ting and I went down the water. Later, we went to "Tong Yuan" for dinner ( I think all Kuantanese will know this place). We had fellowship in Er Lern's room. (Imagine, everyone cramping in his room). The fellowship ended at 11.30p.m. Next, we went to "yam cha" nearby. We went back to sleep at 2a.m.

Next day, I woke up at 9a.m. Took breakfast. Left at 10.30a.m. We managed to had lunch in McD by the beach. Reached home at 6.30p.m.

Took some photos using my phone (I'll get more photos from others and post it here.)